Training costs

School fees: private contribution from CHF 4,200
The school fees amount to a total of CHF 20,000 p.a. Most cantons cover a large part of this (for Swiss nationals)
(2023/24: CHF 14,800, 2024/25: 15,700, 2025/26: 15,800). *

Tools, excursions: approx. CHF 1,500 p.a.

Cost of living: approx. CHF 8,000 p.a.
Food, rent, health insurance
(based on: approx. 40 school weeks attendance in Brienz, shared room with communal kitchen and health insurance at the lowest rate)

>> In principle, there are financing options through funding foundations. We are happy to help with the search for funding and the formalities of the applications.

*In accordance with the Intercantonal Vocational School Agreement (BFSV), Swiss nationals can be supported by their canton of residence. If the canton of residence does not pay the school costs contribution or only pays part of it, the private school costs contribution increases accordingly.

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