FUNERAL DONATION | As a sign of solidarity

A memorial donation can be a sign of solidarity. With a donation to the violin making school, you enable the vocational training of young violin makings students and help create wonderful stringed instruments and concert experiences.
We thank you for your consideration of our school.

For incoming donations, we thank the donors directly. We will send the bereaved families a compilation of the donations received.

We would like to thank you for your trust.
Swiss Violin Making School Foundation

Your contact-person
Birgit Steinfels,
Fundraising und Public relations | +41 78 891 80 24



Our Partner:



If you need help – for example in preparing a funeral service, contact “Dein Adieu” with confidence.
This is where you can find advice on accompanying mourners and preparing funerals, helpful checklists for organising funeral services ( before the funeral | after the funeral)

or helpful checklists for organising funeral services ( before the funeral  |  after the funeral)

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