Violinmaking School Foundation

The school is supported by the Brienz School of Violinmaking Foundation. It is the supervisory authority and provides the infrastructure.
The foundation secures the basic financing of the workshop, which is also financed by school fees, instrument sales and maintenance work on string instruments. The foundation in turn is fed by annual contributions from the Hans and Verena Krebs Foundation, by investment income and by patronage contributions.

Donations to the violin making school in Brienz are tax deductible. If you are interested, we would be pleased to provide you with an insight into our annual accounts. The School of Violinmaking Foundation is subject to the Swiss Federal Foundation Supervisory Authority.

Board of Trustees

Werner Luginbühl, President of the foundation board
Adrian Glatthard, Vice-President of the foundation board
Peter Santschi
Katharina Gohl Moser
Manuel Ruchti
Hans Rudolf Hösli
Patrick Leu (not represented in the photo)

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